I have loved going through this study. I’ve learned more about Paul and a few others like Timothy, but
I’ve also realized that I’m filled with God’s Spirit and I’m filled with joy! For the first time in my life, I can
say that I have true joy, even though I am in prison! I cannot wait to be able to live for God outside of
these walls as well. He has done so much for me. Thank you all for your time and your attention, bless
Roxy M, TDCJ Woodman Unit, Gatesville, TX
This lesson gave me a better understanding of how we went from the Mosaic Law to following and
having faith in Jesus. I had been a little confused before and how God had planned out how Gentles
could be saved as well as Jews. Going through each verse slowly is helping me to better understand how
the bible is pieced together. I’m learning so Much! Honestly, I think I’ve learned more in these few
bible studies I’ve done with TSM than any other correspondence bible study! Thank you for all of
information you sent pertaining to my questions about the last lesson! Thank you for breaking things
down with info on certain topics. Sometimes we need a little extra info to truly understand something.
May God bless you! I’m excited about my next lessons!
Ceyma B., TDCJ Crain Unit, Gatesville, TX
Thank you once again for the fellowship and thank God also. I received a 1 year set off and still remain
grateful because it means more 1 on 1 with the Lord. I like this lesson on forgiveness because I need to
forgive and ask for forgiveness of some of my family members. This ministry is really teaching me about
the bible and I need it, to be a living model to my children and a good representation of how we are
supposed to treat one another. Thank you and God Bless.
Tomas F., TDCJ Mechler Unit, Tulia, TX
I became interested in toServe in the fall of 2022. I knew as a follower of Christ I should have some
concern for the prisoner, but never really knew what or where to go for that.
I have learned more about prisons and those incarcerated than I ever thought I would want to know.
Instead of being fearful and disinterested in this growing population, I found myself growing more and
more compassionate towards these women at my prison (which is 300 miles from where I live). God
opened a door for me to be a light, an encourager, a teacher using skills and resources I had gained
along the way in many a Bible study and learning opportunity.
Some of them are honest about the fact that they don't know much about the Bible or have never been
in church. They have lots of time to process why they are there and what they can do to eventually get
out, hopefully living a full and rewarding life.
I still have so much to learn, but what I have learned and experienced by teaching and mentoring
students through toServe is that God can do so much more than we can ever imagine when we
surrender ourselves to Him and allow Him to use us to reach the lost.
I have to admit that I am heartbroken over some of the prayer requests these ladies share with me, but I
feel so honored to join them in prayer and remind them of how much God loves them and cares about
everything in their life. I tell them often to "trust God's plan" when they want parole so they can get
OUT. It seems important that I remind them often that they are a dearly loved daughter of the King. I
remind them that time in the Word is never wasted and they will NEVER regret it.
-Peggy H.
BCF (Bible Correspondence Fellowship) is an answer to prayer. The ministry is a perfect example of God moving no matter the
circumstances. The enemy thought he was using COVID to cripple or even stop prison ministries, but
God always uses what is meant for evil for good. I am amazed at how the ministry has grown in such a
short time.
As a teacher/mentor I see my role is to encourage and pray. I always write a note of encouragement and
scripture on their lesson even those few whose answers are incorrect. My job is to gently guide them in
the right direction with scripture, and to let them know God loves them beyond measure. I am a "seed
planter". I may not see the harvest but that is not my role. I have been so very blessed to meet one of
my students after her release, and that was exciting. I know God is working in their lives because His
word tells me so. I have the assurance that someday I will meet those who have given their heart to the
I am blessed so much more than I thought possible when they include a prayer for BCF and me. Some of
their prayer requests are heartbreaking and it makes me even more appreciative of the freedom I have.
-Gail A.